Dates - Unpitted (With Seed)

Dates: Your Journey into Health and Sweetness


Welcome to the enchanting world of dates, where nature's sweetness meets nutritional excellence. Join us on a delightful exploration of dates, the humble yet powerful fruit that brings joy to your taste buds and nourishment to your body.

Why Dates Deserve the Spotlight:

Dates aren't just sweet bites; they're little treasures of health. Imagine biting into a snack that not only satisfies your sweet cravings but also fills you with essential vitamins and minerals. That's the magic of dates.

Nutritional Comparison:

Let's kick off our journey by understanding the nutritional richness of dates. Beyond their sweetness, dates bring a unique mix of calories, protein, and fiber. It's not just a snack; it's a nutritious burst in every bite.

Table: Nutritional Comparison of Different Date Varieties (per 100g)

Nutrient Medjool Dates Ajwa Dates Safawi Dates Fard Dates
Calories 277 282 282 282
Protein 1.6g 2.45g 2.03g 2.45g
Fiber 6.1g 6.7g 7.0g 6.7g

Health Benefits of Dates:

Dates are not just snacks; they're your partners in well-being. From soothing your digestive system to boosting your immune system, dates offer more than just a sweet treat.

Cardiovascular Health:

Imagine a snack that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also supports your heart. Dates, rich in antioxidants, work quietly to reduce inflammation and keep your heart happy.

Digestive Aid:

Tired of snacks that leave you feeling heavy? Dates, with their high fiber content, not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also keep your digestive system in top shape.

Immunity Booster:

In a world where immunity is paramount, dates step in as your natural allies. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, they give your immune system the boost it deserves.

Case Studies:

Real stories, real results. Dive into case studies that showcase how regular date consumption can reduce hypertension and improve digestive health. It's not just a theory; it's a proven journey to better health.

Exploring Date Varieties:

Take a moment to appreciate the diversity of dates. Each variety has its own story, its own flavor, and its unique origins. Whether it's the rich Medjool or the versatile Zahidi, every date is a piece of nature's art.

Where to Find the Best Dates:

Now that you're curious about dates, where do you find the best ones? Whether you love the experience of a physical store or the convenience of online shopping, we've got you covered.

Pros and Cons of Buying Dates Online vs Physical Stores:

Buying Method Pros Cons
Physical Stores Feel the product, enjoy the experience Limited variety
Online Shops Convenience, endless variety Can't inspect before buying

Tips for Ensuring Authenticity:

In a world filled with options, how do you ensure you're getting the real deal? From certifications to customer reviews, we guide you in making a confident choice.

Storing and Consuming Dates:

The journey doesn't end with buying dates; it continues with storing and enjoying them. Let's explore the art of keeping dates fresh and turning them into delicious treats.

Storage Tips:

  • Treat your dates to an airtight container.
  • Find a cool, dry place to keep them.
  • For long-term commitment, consider a cozy spot in the refrigerator.

Culinary Uses and DIY Recipes:

Dates are not just for snacking; they're culinary gems waiting to be explored. From a simple Ajwa Date smoothie to a delightful dessert with nuts and honey, the possibilities are endless.

Decoding Date Prices:

Why do dates come with a particular price tag? Let's demystify the factors that contribute to the pricing of dates, making your purchase a journey of value and quality.

Factors Affecting Date Prices:

Factor Impact on Price
Geographic Availability High
Cultivation Process High
Quality & Authenticity High

Average Date Prices by Region:

Region Average Price per Kg
Saudi Arabia $30 - $40
USA $50 - $60
Europe $55 - $65

Seasonal Price Fluctuations:

Discover why prices dance to the rhythm of seasons and events. From the demand surge during Ramadan to the influence of crop yield, it's a journey into the economics of dates.

Tips for Getting the Best Deal:

Unlock the secrets to getting the best value for your dates. Whether it's buying in bulk, exploring off-season delights, or hunting for online promotions, we've got your wallet covered.


As we bid adieu to this exploration of dates, remember, you're not just buying a fruit; you're investing in a lifestyle. Dates, with their sweetness and health benefits, become a delightful addition to your everyday moments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dates are a journey into health and sweetness.
  • Always choose authenticity; your health deserves it.
  • Whether online or in-store, be a mindful shopper for the best date experience.